Proposed removal of Silver Birch trees on Rempstone Drive

The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board have received a petition from 23 households in Rempstone Drive and Astor Place requesting the removal of 19 Silver Birch street trees located on Rempstone Drive.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 9 June 2017 to 30 June 2017

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Consultation now closed

Consultation on the proposed removal of silver birch trees on Rempstone Drive has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 9 June 2017 to 30 June 2017.

During this time we heard from 41 individuals and groups. Of those submissions 21 respondents were in general support, 12 respondents did not generally support the proposal and 8 generally supported the proposal but had some concerns. You can read their feedback online [PDF, 47 KB]


The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board have received a petition from 23 households in Rempstone Drive and Astor Place requesting the removal of 19 Silver Birch street trees located on Rempstone Drive.

Trees down Rempstone Drive

The reasons stated for the removal of the trees were both health concerns and nuisance value.

The Community Board is sympathetic to these health concerns, however, the Council has a policy on tree/human health which requires the tree to be the sole cause of a persons health condition.

The nuisance value of the silver birch trees relates to fallen debris and the effect this has on surrounding properties and infrastructure.

The 19 Silver Birch trees appear to be in good health and there are currently no tree safety concerns that would initiate their removal.

In response to the petition received, we are now seeking community feedback in relation to this request. Following consultation a report will be presented to the Community Board, which will include community feedback, for a decision in relation to the removal of trees.

There is no budget for the removal and replanting of healthy trees, so if removal was approved by the Community Board this work would need to be programmed. Residents who presented at the Community Board meeting indicated support to help fund the replacement of these trees, however, this was not unanimous from signatories of the petition.

 Map of proposed trees for removal

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