Land Use Consent - 45 Godley Quay and 2 Cashin Quay

The Christchurch City Council has received an application from Lyttelton Port Company for land use consents to enable the establishment and operation of port activities on reclaimed land at Te Awaparahi Bay, at the eastern end of Lyttelton Port.

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 24 August 2019 to 20 September 2019
Reference number: RMA/2019/1361
Applicant name: Lyttleton Port Company Limited
Site address: 45 Godley Quay and 2 Cashin Quay
Description of proposed activity: The Christchurch City Council has received an application from Lyttelton Port Company for landuse consents to enable the establishment and operation of port activities on reclaimed land at Te Awaparahi Bay, at the eastern end of Lyttelton Port.

Phone: 03-328-8198
Company: Lyttelton Port Company Limited

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The Christchurch City Council has received an application from Lyttelton Port Company for land use consents to enable the establishment and operation of port activities on reclaimed land at Te Awaparahi Bay, at the eastern end of Lyttelton Port. 

The applicant has previously obtained approvals to reclaim the land from Environment Canterbury and this application is for a phased establishment and operation of a container terminal and other port activities on the land that has been reclaimed and is continuing to be reclaimed into the future.

The reclaiming of the land, which commenced in 2011, is being carried out in two distinct parts as shown in figure 1:

  • Reclamation A (comprising Phases 1 and 2); and
  • Reclamation B.
Te Awaparahi Bay Reclamation Project overall site map

Te Awaparahi Bay Reclamation Project overall site map

The construction of Reclamation A (Phase 1) has just been completed. Construction of Reclamation A (Phase 2) is underway, and construction of Reclamation B will follow.

The application is therefore for two land-use consents: the first land-use consent will enable the establishment and operation of the container terminal and other port activities on Reclamation A.  The second land use consent will enable the establishment and operation of the container terminal and other port activities on Reclamation B. 

The application includes an assessment of environmental effects.


Please note that the above resource consent application has been set down for a hearing before a Commissioner as follows:

Dates: Thursday 28th, Friday 29th November 2019

Time: 9.30am (the first day)

Venue: The Ward Room, Lyttelton Yacht Club, 16 Marina Accessway, Magazine Bay, Lyttelton.

Notice of Hearing [PDF, 52 KB]

 Planners s42 Report [PDF, 2 MB]

Applicants Evidence  [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Commissioner Decision [PDF, 965 KB]

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How the decision is made

  • Application completed

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