Te wai ora o Tāne Water for Life
We want to make sure our district’s water services, infrastructure and water taonga (treasure) are managed in a way that supports the environmental, social, cultural and economic wellbeing of current and future generations.
Valuing water and water services for people and the environment
Four key goals are identified in the draft strategy:
Goal 1: The multiple uses of water are valued by all for the benefit of all.
Goal 2: Water quality and ecosystems are protected and enhanced.
Goal 3: The effects of flooding, climate change and sea-level rise are understood, and the community is assisted to adapt to them.
Goal 4: Water is managed in a sustainable and integrated way in line with the principle of kaitiakitanga.
The draft strategy’s guiding principles are:
- Kaitiakitanga
- Integration
- Longevity
- Touchstone
- Place-making
- Flood management
- International best practice
- Efficiency