Akaroa wharf

We’re developing a draft plan for a new Akaroa wharf to replace the existing one to meet the future needs of the community.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 28 May 2019 to 26 June 2019

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Akaroa wharf has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 28 May to 26 June 2019. During this time we heard from 95 individuals and groups. The table of consultation feedback is now available. Staff are working through the responses received.

Consultation Responses Received [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Staff will present the early consultation results to Te Pātataka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board. Due to this being an election year where 5 of the 8 current Community Board members are not re-standing the presentation will take place once the new Community Board has been elected. Staff will continue with further investigations relating to Akaroa Wharf and we hope to send out an update before Christmas. Staff may contact stakeholder groups directly during this time for more information. Our goal is to produce a concept for formal consultation early to mid 2020. The information you have provided to us during the early consultation phase will help us prepare this.


The current wharf had a structural condition assessment in late 2018 which identified that it is reaching the end of its useful life. This is due to the declining condition of its hardwood timbers, particularly those below water. The 130 year old Akaroa wharf has significant cultural, historical and social values for the Akaroa community. Originally constructed for coastal shipping, the function and use of the wharf has changed over time as the needs and interests of the community changed. It is currently used by locals and visitors, for a range of commercial, tourism and recreational activities.

Main Wharf in Akaroa (958KB

Main Wharf in Akaroa

We need your help

We’re in the early planning stages and want your ideas about how we can reflect the community needs and aspirations into the design for the future wharf. We’re especially interested in finding out what’s important to you, what you think works on the current wharf, and what could make it better. Do you have any great suggestions for us? Please provide us with your feedback. 

A printable version of the Akaroa Wharf Have Your Say Flier [PDF, 1.3 MB] is also available.

What happens next

Your comments and feedback will help us create a draft plan for the new Akaroa wharf. It will take us time to collect all the information needed for the proposed design, but we expect to be back in touch with a concept for your feedback in early 2020. While the initial condition report has been completed, we still need further condition, conservation and environmental impact information. As these are completed we will make them available here as a link. In the meantime, you will continue to see ongoing repairs carried out to maintain the wharf until a new structure is built.

 Would you like to speak to the team at a drop-in? We are available:

Wednesday 12 June, 1-3pm, at Akaroa Bowling Club, Rue Jolie, Akaroa

Thursday 13 June, 6-8pm, at Akaroa Bowling Club, Rue Jolie, Akaroa

Completed reports and studies on the wharf:

Final Akaroa Main Wharf Conservation Plan [PDF, 20 MB] by Origin Consultants

Akaroa Wharf Renewal Preliminary Rebuild Options [PDF, 3.8 MB] by Calibre consulting Ltd




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How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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