Barrington Street safety improvements - Barrington Mall

We are proposing changes to Barrington Street to make it safer for people accessing Barrington Mall.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 31 July 2018 to 22 August 2018

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Update September 2019

In late October 2018 the Waihoro/Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board approved the plans. We have had some delays which we have been working through with the mall. We anticipate construction will start in early 2020.

Approved plan [JPG, 840 KB]

Consultation has now closed

Summary of feedback

We received 152 submissions with 65 respondents in general support, 72 respondents support with some concerns and 15 not in support.

Project feedback [PDF, 192 KB]

Attachments for submissions [PDF, 1.5 MB]; 17387, 17563, 18001, 18133, 18307 and 18760

Team responses [PDF, 97 KB]

A report will be presented to the Spreydon-Cashmere Community board for project approval at their meeting on Friday 19 October 2018.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Monday 15 October 2018.

Barrington MallWhy we're doing this

  • Vehicles obstruct the footpath while waiting for a suitable gap in the traffic to exit the mall
  • Right turning traffic both entering and exiting the Mall are often delayed leading to rushed decisions without paying attention to pedestrians
  • Pedestrians feeling unsafe crossing at this location.

Proposed changes

  • Extend the ‘no stopping’ restrictions (on street parking), on the west side of Barrington Street, between Athelstan Street and Kinver Place.
  • Install a patterned footpath across the access to Barrington Mall on Barrington Street to highlight a pedestrian route
  • Install a wider footpath in front of the Library with new landscaping
  • No right turn out of Barrington Mall into Barrington Street
  • Extend the pedestrian refuge on Barrington Street outside the Mall entrance (please see plan for further details)

Proposed plan

Click on the image below to view the plan.

Drop in sessions

Barrington Mall

  • Tuesday 7 August 2018 - between 10.30 am and 2.30 pm
  • Saturday 11 August 2018 between 1.30pm and 3.30pm

Spreydon Library - Barrington Street

  • Monday 6 August 2018 - between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm
  • Friday 10 August 2018 - between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm


  • Tuesday 31 July 2018 - Consultation open
  • Wednesday 22 August 2018 - Consultation closes
  • End August 2018 - Submitters notified of consultation outcome
  • End September - Spreydon/Cashmere  Community Board decision meeting
  • Start of 2019 - Project start (subject to community board approval) - construction phase to avoid Christmas retail period, and the school holidays.

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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