Updates for residents and businesses near the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant site.

Trickling filter demolition

Demolition of Trickling Filter 1 is complete and Trickling Filter 2 is now also nearing completion. Work remains on track and we expect to have both trickling filters entirely demolished by the end of March.

We're now planning to relocate power supply cables into the road. This will commence in March and will be completed in early April. This is another part of the jigsaw of getting the site ready for construction of the new plant. 

Demolition work will happen during working hours and contractors will do their best to minimise the noise, dust, and traffic disruption. Vehicles will enter the site from Cuthberts Road.

Progress photo from 27 February. 

Community meetings

We're planning on holding meetings for residents and businesses near the plant, where we share information about our on-site progress and upcoming works. These meetings are a chance for us to check in, answer some of your questions, and provide some insight into what to expect over the next few months.

There is no need to RSVP, though if you have questions and cannot make it on the night, please email them to wastewater@ccc.govt.nz and we will respond as soon as possible.

Neighbouring residents and businesses will receive a leaflet with information before the next meeting. If you're on our neighbour's email database, you will also receive an email.

How to stay informed

If you’re a neighbouring resident or business, please email wastewater@ccc.govt.nz with "Neighbour Subscribe" in the subject line. We will send you updates as we receive confirmation of upcoming concrete pour dates.

This webpage will be regularly updated as information is confirmed.