Linwood Wastewater Renewal Package 1 - Update



Replacing the old Wastewater main and laterals with new UPVC pipe.


The Wastewater mains have reached the end of their economic life and increased maintenance costs make replacement more economical.


From 47 Jollie Street to 3 Jollie Street, Linwood.


The Contractor will be establishing on site on 13 May 2019 and should be completed by 9 August 2019.


The contractor is City Care. Phone 027-248-0337 between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Advise us if you have specific property access requirements e.g medical visits, home help, large vehicle deliveries, planned works.

There maybe times when vehicle access to your property is restricted. This will be temporary and our Contractor will door knock beforehand so you can move your vehicle if necessary.     

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