Worcester Street/Woodham Road Intersection - safety improvements


We are constructing a raised pedestrian platform, improving the intersection layout, and adding calming measures to make it safer for children to get to school.


To make it safer for everyone to get around their neighbourhood, especially for children to access the primary school and kindergarten.


The intersection of Woodham Road and Worcester Street, Linwood.


8 April 2024 to early May 2024, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Fulton Hogan, phone 0800 762 334, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.


  • Temporary traffic management (road cones, signs and barriers) will be installed as a part of the works. Please follow all signage and instructions from staff. Please see over the page for more information.
  • Please note traffic delays may occur and please follow the detour signage.
  • Increased construction noise disturbance may be encountered but will be kept to a minimum.
  • Access to properties will be maintained throughout. Please advise if you have specific requirements e.g. medical visits, large deliveries, home help, and any planned works.
  • Work will have no impact on any services such as electricity, telecommunication, and gas.


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