Rates and valuation search

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Update your rates postal address

Update the postal address for your property rates

The postal address for your property’s rates can be different to the street address of your property, or your contact details for other Council services.

We provide a great range of services, such as rates, libraries, building consents, dog registrations, and sports memberships, and you may have different contact details for different services.

Updating the contact details for one of the Council’s other services does not necessarily mean you want your rates invoices to go to that address. Use the form above to let us know when you want your rates postal address to be changed.

It is the ratepayer’s responsibility to ensure Council has the right postal address for rates. 

There are several reasons why you may want your postal address to be different. For example:

  • You're a landlord that's not living at the property.
  • Your rates are paid by someone else, such as a property manager or a family member.
  • You're developing the section.

It is important to keep your rates postal address updated, even if you receive rates invoices by email, as the rates invoice will be posted if the email can not be delivered.

Also, other rates-related notifications may be sent by post, such as a change in valuation notice. Not updating the postal address may result in you not receiving an important notice and missing your opportunity to respond.

How your valuation is assessed

Quotable Value Limited (QV)

The Rating Valuations Act 1998 obliges councils to maintain the valuation rolls but allows them to choose their valuation service provider. In the Christchurch district, the valuation service provider is Quotable Value Limited, which is a State-owned enterprise.

The Office of the Valuer-General independently audits the process to make sure QV meets strict quality standards.

How we assess your valuation

QV looks at relevant market sales from your area around the time of the revaluation’s effective date (1 August 2022) and uses that information to determine values for similar properties in the area.

Valuers also inspect some properties. Where a building has been demolished, only the land value applies.

Christchurch City Council sets most of its rates based on capital values. The Council also invoices rates on behalf of Environment Canterbury (ECan). Most of ECan’s rates are also based on capital value, although some may be based on other information such as land value.

What we use the valuation for

Your rating values are designed to be used for rating purposes only. They are not an estimate of the cost to rebuild a home or building and should not be used for insurance purposes.

How the valuation affects your rates

If the rating value of your property rises or falls, your rates won’t necessarily go up or down as well. Rating values do not affect the total amount of rates collected by the Council – they are used to work out who pays what portion of the city’s total rates. The important thing is how your property’s capital value has changed relative to other properties in the city.

How we know when changes have been made to your property

The Council has copies of all survey plans and building consents issued. If changes to your property did not need a building consent or survey plan, this work may not be reflected in your valuation.

You may wish to tell QV about these changes through the objection process.

Objecting to your valuation

If you don’t agree with your rating values you can object to them. Also, new work such as renovations that don’t require a building consent may not be included in the new values.

If you feel your property’s new rating value doesn’t reflect your property’s market value, you have the right to object.

The easiest way to object is online at ratingvalues.co.nz(external link). Objections must be in writing. 

The revised closing date for objections was 20 March 2023. However, we may accept late objections in some circumstances, for example, if there was a delay to your revaluation notice being delivered in the post, or if your personal circumstances have made it impractical to object before the deadline.

You can also:

Objections need to include:

  • Your valuation reference number.
  • The address of the property.
  • Your daytime contact phone number.
  • Your mailing address.
  • The reason for objecting.
  • Your estimate of the property’s value

You can ask someone else to make an objection for you.

What happens after you lodge an objection

QV sends a letter confirming receipt and gives you a timeframe for when the objection will be completed. A valuer may contact you to arrange an inspection of your property.

You will then be sent the outcome of your objection in writing. If you still disagree, the Land Valuation Tribunal(external link) can hear your objection. There is a hearing fee. Find more at ratingvalues.co.nz(external link)

If you object to a value that is a component of your valuation, the Council will review that value, and may also review any other value components of the rating unit, i.e. land value, value of improvements or capital value.

Impact of a valuation change on your rates

Where an objection results in a change to your rating valuation, your rates will be updated accordingly.

Any increase or reduction in rates will be backdated to the date the valuation was adjusted in our database.

Changing your valuation

If you rebuild your home or carry out major renovations requiring a building consent (e.g. add a bedroom or a garage) your rating value will be revised.

If your work did not require a building consent and you want the value revised you can:

  • Phone QV on 0800 787 284 to talk with someone and have a form sent to you.
  • Email ratingsupport@qv.co.nz with the details of your request.

This new valuation will reflect the market value on the date of the last city-wide revaluation (1 August 2022) and will not represent current market value.

Valuations of demolished or rebuilt homes

If your house is demolished, you will be charged rates on land value only until the house is rebuilt. It can take several weeks for the necessary inspections and file updates to be completed, so it is important you notify us of the demolition as soon as possible.

Any reduction in rates applies to the rating year beginning on 1 July after rating valuation data has been adjusted. We are not permitted to backdate it to the actual date of demolition.

Due dates for instalments

Rates are assessed annually on each property, payable in four instalments. 

The due date for each instalment depends on which geographic area your property is in.

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