Take a wander and explore the one-hour art trail covering sites from Armagh Street to Allen Street.

To find out more about all of the works included in the Street Art Lighting Project, check out the online map by Watch This Space.

Askew’s Kristen on Gloucester Street: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/421

Rone in Cathedral Square: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/531

Berst’s Sea Monsters on the Isaac Theatre Royal: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/456

Kevin Ledo’s Whero O Te Rangi Bailey on the Crowne Plaza: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/613

Jacob Yikes in Cathedral Square: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/454

Cracked Ink on Hereford Street: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/625

Numskull on Colombo Street: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/444

Jacob Yikes’ Alice in Videoland mural: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/416

Dcypher’s Kodak mural in Collett’s Lane: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/818

Erika Pearce on Allen Street: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/618

Elliot Francis Stewart on Tuam Street: https://watchthisspace.org.nz/artwork/418