Jeffreys Reserve replacement water tank

The existing earthquake–damaged suction water tank in Jeffreys Reserve needs to be replaced to ensure water supply levels of service are met for residents in Fendalton and north-west Christchurch.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 6 October 2017 to 24 October 2017

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For information about consultation and decision made on alternative tank location, go to the Jeffreys Reserve water tank alternative location page on this website.

Consultation closed

Thirty five submissions were received in response to the concept plan for the design and location of the replacement water tank in Jeffreys Reserve. The majority had concerns about the size and/or location of the tank. After considering all the feedback, an alternative option has been brought forward that the project team considers has add benefits and at the same time responds the proposed concept. We will shortly be coming back to the community with this option.

Consultation feedback [PDF, 129 KB]

Project team responses [PDF, 26 KB]


Before and after, view from Jeffreys Road. Showing how tank will look.

Before and after, view from Jeffreys Road

What needs doing and why

The Council is planning to replace the tank by March 2019 so that four new deep wells can be connected. The suction tank is not currently in use, and only two wells are directly connected to the water supply. This means that when there is high demand in the area, water is supplied from other wells in the network.

When all the four wells are connected, Jeffreys Pump Station will increase or exceed pre-earthquake supply capacity.

The 200 cubic metre damaged suction tank will be replaced by a 500 cubic metre suction tank. The larger tank complies with the new design requirements to balance peak demand, and will ensure water quality including the ability to treat the water, if needed in an emergency.

Tank location

We considered using the existing location for the new larger tank, but the optimised design of the above-ground tank in the proposed nearby location is more resilient, ensuring on-going water supply quality and security. It also meets all consent requirements and is better value for public money.

There is a small deviation to the existing path to allow space for the tank, but the playing fields and access to and through the park are not affected.

In an effort to reduce the impact of the water tank on existing residents’ views over Jeffreys Reserve, we are planning to place the tank so that is nearly parallel to the adjacent western park boundary.

This orientation also means the tank will more effectively blend into the environment by being nestled into the southwest corner of the park alongside existing trees and vegetation, and new plantings to the west and south.

More planting to the west and south of the tank will help discourage public access to the rear sides of the tank, and helps meet CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) standards.

Maintenance and monitoring vehicle access will be via the existing Christchurch City Council car park if required.

The existing tank will be removed as part of the construction process and the surrounding area re-landscaped to blend in with the park space.

Proposed replacement tank location

Proposed replacement tank location

Design features

The proposed design incorporates an Ōtākaro-Avon River graphic on the precast concrete panels to symbolise the connection of this site with Ōtākaro via the Wairarapa stream. This design approach is consistent with other new pump station structures around the city.

The slatted timber treatment helps to create some visual relief by breaking up the bulk of the five metre structure.The timber treatment has also been used to cloak the secure maintenance access stair up to the roof. At the same time this will give some depth to the façade and will help reduce the overall bulk of the structure.

There will be a safety hand rail around the edge of the roof.

4 images of the tank from different angles

Draft concept design for the replacement water tank. 

Next steps

The Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board needs to approve the proposed new location and design of the larger replacement water tank.

We will get back to submitters to inform them of the decision meeting date.

Once a decision is made, the investigation, detailed design and construction work will be carried out during usual working hours but there will be some inconvenience to residents and park users during this time.

Every effort will be made to mitigate noise and disruption.

Project timeframes are indicative only.

Planned timeline

  • Consultation- 6 October - 23 October 2017
  • November/December - Summary to submitters and decision meeting
  • Investigation and detailed design- December 2017 - May 2018
  • Construction - May 2018 - March 2019

Additional information about options considered for the replacement tank. [PDF, 13 KB]

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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