This publicly notified resource consent application seeks to establish a car storage and distribution operation at 711 Johns Road, Christchurch, with an ancillary office and truck-wash area.
Establish a car storage and distribution centre
Due to its size the application has been broken down into 8 parts for viewing
Notice of Hearing
Please note that the above resource consent application has been set down for a 3 day hearing before a Commissioner as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 13 December to Friday, 15 December 2017
Time: 9.00am
Venue: Conference Room YMCA
12 Hereford Street
Note: The YMCA does have some car parking dependant on availability. Please register your car at the reception before proceeding to the hearing.
Council Officers' Report
A copy of the officers' report and appendices are attached for your information
Appendix 2 - Landscape Comments
Appendix 4 - Marshall Day Acoustics
Appendix 5A - Summary of Submissions
Appendix 5B - Combined Submissions
Applicants Evidence
Submitters Evidence
Submitters Evidence - Orion NZ Ltd
Submitters Evidence - Stewart Fletcher on behalf of NZTA