Private Plan Change 11 - Harvey Tce and Fitzgerald Ave

We’d like your feedback on Proposed Private Plan Change 11 to enable residential development at 5 Harvey Tce, 254 Fitzgerald Ave and part of 256 Fitzgerald Ave.

Project status: Closed
Consultation open: 17 August 2022 to 14 September 2022

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The scope of the plan change is to:

  • Enable residential development on privately owned sites located on the outer edge of the Specific Purpose (Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor) Zone (SPOARC), at 5 Harvey Tce, 254 Fitzgerald Ave and part of 256 Fitzgerald Ave.
  • Apply the Edge Housing Area overlay to 254 and a small part of 256 Fitzgerald Avenue to enable residential development in accordance with the Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone rules.
  • Add 5 Harvey Terrace to a list of properties in Appendix that can continue to be used for pre-earthquake activities within the SPOARC and be developed according to the provisions of the Residential Medium Density Zone.
  • Restrict vehicle access to the sites to Harvey Tce only.
  • Any other consequential amendments.

Read more on this plan change(external link)




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Who to contact

Anita Hansbury,
Policy Planner

How the decision is made

  • Closed

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