Free Standing Digital Billboard - 235 Manchester Street

This publicly notified resource consent is to establish and operate a double sided free standing digital billboard comprising a digital screen area of 18sqm

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 9 October 2021 to 8 November 2021
Reference number: RMA/2020/1877
Applicant name: Wilson Parking New Zealand Limited - c/- Town Planning Group
Site address: 235 Manchester Street
Description of proposed activity: To establish and operate a double sided free standing digital billboard comprising a digital screen area of 18sqm, framed by a 4mx9m support structure. The sign will display a range of non-site related advertisements and material
Company: Town Planning Group

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Application Granted by Environment Court on 30 August 2022.

Read Environment Court Consent Order - Granted [PDF, 7.9 MB] 

Appeal on decision - 9 May 2022 

Appeal  [PDF, 12 MB]


Application Declined on 13 April 2022.

Read the Commissioner Decision - Declined - 13 April 2022   [PDF, 984 KB]

To establish and operate a double sided free standing digital billboard comprising a digital screen area of 18sqm, framed by a 4mx9m support structure. The sign will display a range of non-site related advertisements and material.

Full Application and s95 Notification Decision [PDF, 31 MB]

Notice of Hearing (1st March 2022) [PDF, 42 KB]

s42A Planner's Report and Appendixes [PDF, 29 MB]

Important Hearing Information - Covid-19 Protection Framework [PDF, 11 KB]

Statement of evidence of Peter Turner [PDF, 21 KB]

Statement of evidence of Andrew Carr [PDF, 986 KB]

Statement  of Brett Harries [PDF, 637 KB]

Statement of evidence of David Compton-Moen [PDF, 11 MB]

Statement of evidence of Anita Collie [PDF, 6.6 MB]

Further Information from Submitter [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Further Information from Submitter (2) [PDF, 782 KB]

Legal submissions for Wilson Parking Limited [PDF, 347 KB]

Summary Statement of David Compton-Moen [PDF, 24 KB]

Summary Statement of Evidence of Anita Collie [PDF, 151 KB]

Cole, Barry (2016) Colour blindness and driving [PPTX, 233 KB]

Response from Andy Carr to issues raised during the hearing [PDF, 236 KB]

Planner's s42a summary for hearing [PDF, 582 KB]

Submitter Presentation [PPTX, 6.4 MB]

Commissioner Minute No. 1 [PDF, 616 KB]

Closing legal submissions on behalf of Wilson Parking Limited [PDF, 1.7 MB]

Commissioner Minute No. 2 Hearing Closure [PDF, 126 KB]

Commissioner Decision - Declined

Notice of Appeal

Environment Court Consent Order - Granted (30/08/22)




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Who to contact

Georgia Brown,

How the decision is made

  • Application completed

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