Find out about lost, stolen or missing bins, changing bin sizes, handy tips and more.

Request bins for your property

When you first request bins at a property we provide a standard set of bins:
  • A green organics 80-litre bin.
  • A red rubbish 140-litre bin (largest size available).
  • A yellow recycling 240-litre bin.

             (Unless you request all 80L bins)

Request wheelie bins at a new address

Change the size of a bin

Change the size of your wheelie bins

If you want to swap the size of your existing bins, you can choose to:

  • Upsize or downsize your yellow or red bin for a one-off charge of $97.65.
  • Upsize or downsize both your yellow and red bins for a one-off charge of $110.25.
  • Upsize your green bin for an annual charge of $220.

Please note that your yellow recycling bin must be the same size or bigger than your red rubbish bin.

Which bin would you like to change?

Please note:

  • Only the property owner, manager or Housing NZ officer can request to swap a bin.
  • Your yellow recycling bin must be the same size or bigger than your red rubbish bin.
  • These are one-off charges, including GST. The billing year will begin when the bin is delivered to your property.
  • You will be asked if you want to renew this service one month before your contract (billing year) expires. If you do not wish to continue this service, please contact Waste Management on 0800 222 431 within 2 weeks of receiving the account to cancel the service.

Get an additional bin

If you need more capacity than the standard yellow recycling bin you can apply for an additional 240 litre recycling bin for an annual charge of $45. 

We do not provide an additional red rubbish bin. This is in line with Council policy encouraging people to reduce waste to landfill. 

Get an additional yellow recycling bin

Please note:

  • This annual fee includes GST and is subject to change upon yearly renewal and you will need to pay the annual fee before the bin is delivered.
  • The billing year will begin when the bin is delivered to your property.
  • You will be asked if you want to renew this service one month before your contract (billing year) expires.
  • If you do not wish to continue this service, please contact Waste Management on 0800 222 431 within 2 weeks of receiving account to cancel the service.

Report a damaged or missing bin

Report a missing or damaged wheelie bin

It's helpful if you can list the serial number of your bin when reporting it.

Find your bin's serial number

Your bin's serial number is printed in white on the side of your bin. 

Knowing the serial number is important as it helps us identify the correct bin.

Damaged bins

  • We will repair or replace a faulty or damaged bin at no cost providing there has been no purposeful vandalism of the bin by the property owner.
  • Graffiti is not considered damage and is the responsibility of the householder to remove.
  • The repair will take place on your next collection day (within 2 weeks), please leave the bin kerbside from 6am to 6pm.

Lost, stolen or missing bins and replacements 

  • Contact us within 48 hours of your collection day either online or by calling 03 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 to report a lost, stolen or missing bin. 
  • Once you have contacted us, check that a neighbour hasn't taken your bin by mistake. The sticker on the side of the bin will show the right property address.
  • If you find your bin please let us know.
  • Your bin will be replaced on the next collection day. If there are any replacement costs, your bins will be replaced on the next collection day after payment has been received.[/blockquote]

Replacement costs

  • There is no charge for a replacement bin if the bin goes missing from kerbside while out for collection and you report the bin missing within 48 hours of your collection day.
  • If you report the missing bin more than 48 hours later, there will be a charge per bin.
  • If your bin is stolen from within a private property, there will be a replacement charge.
Replacement cost (inc GST) Bin size
$109.00 80 litre bin
$120.00 140 litre bin
$132.00 240 litre bin

Report a bin not collected

There are many reasons why your bins may not have been emptied on collection day, such as:
  • The trucks may not have reached your property yet – our collection trucks operate from 6am to 6pm. 
  • The lids were not shut flat or the bins were overflowing.
  • Your bin has the wrong items in it – please see the contamination tag on the bin handle. 
  • The bins are not registered to your property.
  • Your bins were too heavy – bins heavier than 70kg are unable to be emptied.
  • Your bin was not put out on time – out by 6am and in by 11pm.
  • Your bin was not correctly presented outside of your property. It must be at least 50 centimetres apart from each other and from obstructions like trees and power poles.
  • Your bin was over-compacted and the material did not dislodge from the bin.

Report a missed wheelie bin collection

If your bin was not collected, a sticker or tag should be stuck to it explaining the reasons why we are unable to collect your bin.

If there was no sticker or you think your bin was missed:

  • Contact us within 48 hours of your collection day.
  • Leave your bin outside your house and we will return to collect it within 48 hours. We will contact you if we are unable to collect it.

It's helpful if you can list the serial number of your bin when reporting it.

Opt into a collection service

Request wheelie bins at a new address

Non-rateable properties

Properties that do not pay Waste Minimisation charges on their rates such as churches, schools and sports clubs can opt into a rubbish collection service.

This service includes a standard collection service of three wheelie bins (rubbish, recycling and organics). This is an annual charge from 1 July to 30 June every year.

Amount (inc. GST) Description
$374.00  From 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 (12 months)
$280.50 From 1 October 2024 to 30 June 2025 (9 months)
$187.00 From 1 January 2025 to 30 June 2025 (6 months)
$93.50 From 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025 (3 months)

A refund will not be given if you choose to stop the service part way through the year. Once the service starts, you will be invoiced annually unless you tell Council that you no longer need this service.

Opt into the kerbside collection service

This is for non-rateable properties.

Private lanes

Private lanes can apply to opt into the wheelie bin service. The application must be supported by 51% of property owners in the lane otherwise, all households will need to place rubbish and recycling bins on the kerbside of the nearest Council serviced road for collection.

Apply for private lane bin collection

This is for residential collection, it is not available for commercial properties.

Alternatively, you can download an application form(external link).

Assisted rubbish collection service 

If you need assistance with your rubbish, you may be eligible for the assisted rubbish collection service.

The recycling and organics bins will be removed from the property until the Council is advised that the service is no longer required at which time the recycling and organics bin will be returned at no extra cost.

To apply, please fill in the application form along with a letter from your General Practitioner or other medical professional verifying that you are incapable of taking the wheelie bin to the kerbside. Alternatively, you can contact us.

You will also need to sign a declaration stating that there is no one who can assist you with your wheelie bins.

Request help with your wheelie bin collection

This service is for rubbish collection only.

Free kerbside recycling service for schools

Schools and Early Learning Centres can receive a kerbside recycling service free of charge. The maximum number of bins is one per three classrooms. Please note this is a recycling service only.

The bins must be kept in a secure place on the school grounds, and placed on the kerbside outside the school for collection by 6am on collection day. The bins will be collected fortnightly on their allocated collection day.  

When you apply you will be given an information pack about the service and learning resources to use in the classroom.

This programme is intended to encourage students to participate in recycling and to support the New Zealand Curriculum principles and values of sustainability, community engagement and participation. It is not intended to address all the recycling needs of the early learning centre or school. A commercial collection service may also be required. 

Apply for assisted kerbside recycling service for schools

This free kerbside recycling service is for schools only.

Alternatively, you can download an application form(external link).

Tips to look after your bins

Keep your bin lids shut

Bin lids need to be shut flat to ensure collection. Items placed next to or on top of bins will not be collected. The truck can't lift a bin if it's overfull, or empty a bin that's overloaded.

Bin lid latches can help keep your bin lid shut and your bin contents secure. These can be purchased directly from SafeWaste(external link)

Don't overload them (keep them under 70kgs)

Make sure the bins are not too heavy and place them on the footpath or grass verge to make it easy for the trucks. Place them so the truck can reach them - at least half a metre clearance.

Put them out the night before

Have bins out by 6am on collection day and remember to bring them in after they're collected, by 11pm. 

Making your bin easily identifiable 

Decorating wheelie bins is not encouraged. However, if you want to make your bin easily identifiable and do not cover the Christchurch City Council logo or bin serial number, your collection will not be impacted.

Maintain your address labels

Contact the Council if the address label has fallen off your wheelie bin. You will need to provide the serial number of your wheelie bin to get a replacement address label.

Place the correctly

Place your bins away from areas with high foot traffic and ensure your bins are placed 30 centimetres apart from each other and any possible obstructions including trees and power poles.

Moving house or demolished properties

Moving out

Leave the wheelie bins behind at the property you are leaving. Wheelie bins are registered to the property, not to the owner.  The property you are moving to will have bins.  If any bins at your new house are missing, please contact the previous owner or landlord to try to locate them.  If you can't find the bins, or if the house is newly built, please contact the Council to request new bins.

There is a cost to replace missing or stolen bins, there is also a cost to change the size of the bins allocated to the property. When moving house it is up to you to contact your real estate agent or the previous owners to determine who will pay the invoice. It is recommended that you include this as part of your sales and purchase agreement when purchasing. 

Demolished properties

If your property is being demolished, please contact the Council to let us know the demolition date. The bins will be picked up and stored at no additional cost.

Once the property is rebuilt, contact the Council and the bins will be returned to the property. 

A $34.50 charge will apply for any replacement bins that were unable to be recovered or accounted for.