Mt Pleasant Shared Use Track

Take in the spectacular 360-degree views on this scenic walk high on the Port Hills.


Start Cavendish Saddle, Summit Road, Port Hills
Finish Mt Pleasant gun emplacements
Distance 890 metres
Time 20 minutes one way
Dogs Must be kept on a leash

If you start this walk from the Cavendish saddle there is parking at the layby. The start of the track is well signposted and gradually climbs through a rolling tussock landscape to a gravel road.

Take the gravel road uphill to some radio masts on the top of Mt Pleasant. A short side trip to the trig offers superb 360-degree views over Christchurch and the Canterbury Plains and across to Mt Herbert and Kaitorete Spit.

From the radio masts, the track follows a rocky ridge and weaves its way through tussock to end on a 4WD track near the Mt Pleasant gun emplacements. From here you can walk back the same way or continue along the Crater Rim Walkway.



Walking tracks

Shared use

Connecting tracks


Parking square 100x100



Bus stop



water fountain marker

Water fountains

Accessible tracks

Punt Tahi pointer 85x125

Challenging feature

Pukeko Tahi pointer 85x125

Entry and exit point

Avon River Rua pointer 85x125

Point of interest

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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