Policies, strategies, reports, assessments, websites and articles related to adapting to sea-level rise.

Factsheets and summaries

  • Vertical land movement and sea-level rise [PDF, 818 KB] – Summary of a study about vertical land movement, showing the extent and speed of sea-level rise happening in parts of Christchurch.
  • Coastal Hazards [PDF, 1 MB] – Summary on how climate change, and the associated rise in sea level, is likely to increase the risk of coastal hazards such as coastal flooding, erosion, and rising groundwater.
  • Property owners [PDF, 1.9 MB] – Information to help property owners in their thinking about sea-level rise and its impacts. 
  • MfE Guidance [PDF, 579 KB] – Summary of the Ministry for the Environment's guidance on coastal hazards and climate change, and Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP).
  • Coastal Hazards LIM notations [PDF, 176 KB] – Information on changes to property LIMs in light of findings from the Council’s latest coastal hazards assessment.
  • LIMs [PDF, 569 KB] – More information on Land Information Memorandums (LIMs), what they are and why councils issue them.
  • Insurance [PDF, 322 KB] – More information from the Insurance Council of New Zealand on climate change and insurance.
  • Management Framework [PDF, 142 KB] – A summary of the legislative and policy context for the Coastal Hazards Adaptation Planning Programme and Coastal Hazards Planning Programme.
  • Flooding and Erosion Risk Classification [PDF, 758 KB] – A summary of how risks were classified in the proposed risk-based approach for the Coastal Hazards Plan Change Issues and Options Paper.
  • House Insurance and Climate Change [PDF, 1.4 MB](external link) – Answers to common questions about insuring your home in the face of sea-level rise and other climate hazards. (Deep South National Science Challenge.)
  • 2021 Coastal Hazard Assessment [PDF, 4.8 MB] – A summary of how coastal flooding, erosion and rising groundwater will affect the district.
  • Catalogue of Coastal Hazard Adaptation Options [PDF, 1.5 MB] – An overview of the types of adaptation options that are used locally, nationally and internationally to manage coastal hazards. 


Acts, policies and strategies

Reports and assessments


2019 Sumner revetment assessment report

In 2019 Council commissioned a report from Jacobs New Zealand Ltd to understand the asset condition of the rock sea wall from Cave Rock to Scarborough. 

The report found that no urgent or immediate works are required on the sea wall in its current condition, it continues to do the job of protecting the esplanade from erosion and inundation.

Coastal hazard assessment

2021 Ōtākaro Avon River stopbank assessment

As part of the earthquake legacy issues project(external link), and in response to Council resolution CNCL/2019/00196(external link), engineering consultancy GHD was commissioned to complete an updated risk assessment of the stopbank from Pages Road to Bridge Street. 

The assessment found that the risk to life is low from the stopbank failing or being overtopped by water in a 1-in-100-year annual recurrence interval event. The annual risk of one person dying as a result of a 1-in-100-year annual recurrence interval tide is less than 1 in 900,000.