- AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis(external link) – 2021, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.
- AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014(external link) –2014, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.
- Coastal Flooding Exposure Under Future Sea Level Rise for New Zealand(external link) – Paulik, R., Stephens, S., Wadhwa, S., Bell, R., Popovich, B., & Robinson, B. (2019). National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research/Deep South National Science Challenge.
- Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: Guidance for Local Government(external link) – Bell, R., Lawrence, J., Allan, S., Blackett, P., & Stephens, S. (2017). Ministry for the Environment.
- Coastal sand budget for Southern Pegasus Bay: Stage A(external link) – 2018, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research.
- Coastal sand budget for Southern Pegasus Bay: Stage B(external link) – 2018, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research.
- Coastal sand budget for Southern Pegasus Bay: Peer review(external link) – 2019, Single, M. from Shore Processes and Management Ltd.
- Groundwater Report: Impacts of Earthquakes and Sea Level Rise on Shallow Groundwater Levels(external link) – 2020, Aqualinc.
- Insurance Retreat: Sea level rise and the withdrawal of residential insurance in Aotearoa New Zealand(external link) – Storey, B., Owen, S., Noy, I., & Zammit, C. (2020). Deep South National Science Challenge.
- Land Drainage Recovery Programme: Tsunami Study(external link) – 2019, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research.
- Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate(external link) – 2019, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.
2019 Sumner revetment assessment report
In 2019 Council commissioned a report from Jacobs New Zealand Ltd to understand the asset condition of the rock sea wall from Cave Rock to Scarborough.
The report found that no urgent or immediate works are required on the sea wall in its current condition, it continues to do the job of protecting the esplanade from erosion and inundation.
Coastal hazard assessment
2021 Ōtākaro Avon River stopbank assessment
As part of the earthquake legacy issues project(external link), and in response to Council resolution CNCL/2019/00196(external link), engineering consultancy GHD was commissioned to complete an updated risk assessment of the stopbank from Pages Road to Bridge Street.
The assessment found that the risk to life is low from the stopbank failing or being overtopped by water in a 1-in-100-year annual recurrence interval event. The annual risk of one person dying as a result of a 1-in-100-year annual recurrence interval tide is less than 1 in 900,000.