Proposed cemetery and sports park at Templeton

We’re proposing to develop a new cemetery and sports fields at Templeton. Before design work begins, we want to hear what you, and other others in the local community, would like us to consider for the 100 hectare site at 173 Maddisons Road.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 15 October 2019 to 15 January 2020

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14 July 2021: Proposed Christchurch Cemetery at Templeton

In the recently approved Long Term Plan 2021-31, Council funding for the proposed Christchurch Cemetery at Templeton will become available in the 2024/2025 financial year. Because of the lead-in time, burial plots are expected to be available after 2030/31.

In 2019 the Council requested staff to start work on a draft development plan for a new cemetery and sports park in the west of Christchurch. The proposed site, which is currently used for grazing, is bounded by Maddisons, Kirk, Jones and Dawsons roads.


In terms of design, our preliminary thinking is to:

  • Provide for the burial needs for the wider Christchurch community including all cultures and faiths for the next 70 - 80 years, with stage one meeting the city’s burial needs for the next 30 years. The main entrance is shown off Maddisons Road (large blue arrow), with secondary entrances off Kirk and Maddisons roads. The yellow arrow indicates the main direction traffic would be directed to travel to the site.
  • Provide roads, footpaths, swales and planting which would create ‘rooms’ for separate uses / burials areas and to provide more useable / intimate spaces. Additional planting would screen adjacent residential areas from the cemetery and other nearby land uses.
  • Provide opportunities for neighbourhood recreation, connections to the community, the South Express major cycle way, playgrounds and fitness equipment.
  • Set aside a 30 hectare site for a future sports hub to be planned

 We’ve done a lot of engagement up to this point with the local community, faith and cultural groups, and other key interest groups to understand their needs.

We’ve heard that many people want plots aligned North/South or East/West, to have running water on site, and to have a gathering space for prayer and rituals. Some want dedicated space as their religious beliefs require separate burial areas from other religions. We’ve also spoken with people about the requirements for green and natural burials, a services area, and space for a separate, child-friendly area for baby loss.

Some of the local community’s concerns included potential traffic impacts, access points, and aesthetic impacts on views. Local residents have also acknowledged the potential benefits the development might bring to the community. These include: buffering of adjacent land uses, benefits of additional green space and recreation facilities, and an appreciation that the proposed development may be preferable compared with other possible uses the land could be put to.

Next steps

Once budget becomes available, staff will complete the draft development plan, undertake public consultation and continue working towards construction of the first stage of development. The cemetery is expected to be operational seven to eight years later.

 Templeton Community meeting  14 June 2021

A meeting to update the Templeton community on the proposed new cemetery for Christchurch will be held in the Templeton Community Centre on Monday 14 June 2021, starting at 7pm. 

Cemetery funding update - 10 March 2021 

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on what they’d like to see at the cemetery. Funding in the Council’s Draft Long Term Plan 2021-31 (LTP) for the cemetery has been pushed back, with $11.3 million indicated from 2025-31. This would be the funding required for the cemetery construction. The LTP is currently out for public consultation so you are able to have your say on this at

In the interim work is continuing on the draft development plan and we are planning to meet with the Templeton community in May (now June) to discuss the high level design for the site. 

Community meeting notes - 14 October 2019 [PDF, 32 KB]

Draft Development Plan 

With most of our cemeteries nearing capacity,  we need to develop a new burial site for the city. We are legally required, under the Burial and Cremation Act 1964, to provide for community burial needs.

As more people shift westwards, more sports fields will also be required in this part of the city.

The Council has agreed staff should begin drafting a development plan for the 100 hectare site in Maddisons Road, for cemetery use and a sports park.  In both cases the existing farmland would be converted to a park-like setting.

We want you to tell us about the opportunities, issues, community needs and other ideas during this early engagement phase by answering the questions below. (The draft development plan is expected to go out for full public consultation by September 2020.)

The site at Templeton is a suitable cemetery and sports park location for various reasons including:

  • The site isn’t subject to a Groundwater Protection Zone or Drinking Water Protection Zone
  • Post-quake the city’s population has moved westward and is likely to continue to do so given residential development scenarios
  • Development of the southern motorway will provide quick and easy access to Templeton from the city
  • The size of the site allows us to cater for a greater range of burial types than is currently provided for, as well as multiple sport and  recreation activities

At this stage, the sports park is just a proposal and no funding has been allocated to it.

We are talking to groups and individuals across the city during the development of the draft plan. Once it has been prepared, we’ll formally consult so you and the wider community have a chance to provide feedback.  

Templeton Community presentation images - 14 October 2019 [PDF, 11 MB]



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  • Closed for feedback

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