Pump Station Electrics Upgrade- Averill


Replacing electrics at pump station PwPS1005 Averill.


This project is improving critical assets to meet current Council standards in terms of operability and to comply with legislation on the NZ Drinking Water Standards.


57 Averill Street, Richmond.


Work will start 15 May 2019 until 10 June 2019.


The contractor is Melray Electric Ltd. Phone 021334967 between Monday to Friday. Advise us if you have specific property access requirements e.g medical visits, home help, large vehicle deliveries, planned works.

  • Electrical work will be within pump station building, no road closure nor restriction of access to properties are required.
  • The Contractor will maintain water supply during construction period. In the unlikely event of water shut down, this will be temporary and our contractor will door knock and letter drop beforehand.

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